DANIEL SMITH Acrylic Gesso, Titanium White is recommended as a painting ground for oils alkyds and acrylics. Because the base is an acrylic emulsion, it cleans up easily with water and soap, becoming permanent once dried. After applying the gesso, the brush should be cleaned up immediately after use. The gesso can be thinned with up to 10% with clean water.
MSDS Information
Excellent Light fastness
Acid Free
32 oz
Out of stock
Report AbuseDANIEL SMITH Acrylic Gesso, Titanium White, is thick and heavily pigmented with excellent coverage. Made with the same Titanium White pigment we use in our oils, it is opaque, has an excellent lightfast rating, is archival and acid free. Our Titanium White Acrylic Gesso is easy to use, made with a high-grade acrylic emulsion which provides optimal flexibility and durability, and is more flexible than any of the oil based grounds.
DANIEL SMITH Titanium White Acrylic Gesso does not contain the oil acids of traditional oil grounds, which tend to deteriorate cotton or linen canvas fibers, meaning that an under sizing, such as rabbit skin glue, was needed with oil gesso. No under sizing is necessary with our Titanium White Acrylic Gesso and none should be used.
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